In a consumer marketplace that’s more crowded than ever, it’s never been more important to ensure that your business inspires customer loyalty. As every business owner knows, it’s not cheap to acquire new customers – actually, you’ll spend 5-25% more in acquiring a new customer than you would retaining an existing customer.
It may seem easier said than done, but there are tons of ways for businesses to keep their customers engaged and happy through digital marketing. If you don’t want to waste time on your customer retention strategy, try some of these proven digital marketing methods utilized by the smallest mom-and-pop businesses to the biggest brands on the planet alike.
Strong website and app design
For many customers, your website and mobile app are the first platforms they check out to determine if they want to utilize your business. If your website or mobile app is confusing, difficult to navigate or lacks an up-to-date look, customers may assume that your business is just the same.
To keep your customers happy, ensure they have a pleasing online experience with your website or mobile app every time. Periodically update your online platforms to today’s standards and ensure that its easy for customers to contact you through the website with questions or feedback.
Email blasts
It’s important to keep your business at top-of-mind to customers, and one simple and cost-effective way to do that is through a company newsletter. Share your updates, your new products and new offers through this newsletter to remind customers of your presence when they open their inbox.
Short on time? You can even use email automation to send updates to all of your customers at once, or send using an RSS feed at a set frequency so you never have to remember to click “send” on a certain day and time.
Personalize your content
Through social media, we can now connect with our customers one-on-one easier than ever before. When a customer mentions you in a tweet or in a Facebook post, don’t just ignore it – no matter how simple. Instead, reply with a personalized touch – no robot-speak necessary.
On these channels, also encourage your customers to interact with you digitally – remind them to mention you through hashtags or other mediums, and make it a regular part of your messaging. The more others see you interact with their fellow customers, the more likely they are to take part as well, increasing overall engagement and satisfaction.
Next steps
If you’ve been churning more customers than you would prefer to in recency, now is the time to invest in your customer retention strategy through digital marketing. As you can see from these tips, it can range from the simple to the far-reaching.
Coordinate with your marketing team today to keep more customers than you ever thought possible. To share these tips with your followers, click the ‘Share’ social icons below.